
The New PlanHQ is here…

PlanHQ | Tim Norton | 7 Comments

After a solid 2 months under the radar, and heaps of customer feedback, we’re really happy to launch the 3rd major release of PlanHQ. Launched last night, its a real credit to everyone in the team for pulling this off, we’ve worked close to get it right, and Amiria, Jeremy, Koz, Nik and Oli have done a great job. For more details checkout the tour.

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This has been a long time in the baking, and as usual the commitment to getting it live and in the hands of customers extended right through until a late night finish last night, and a solid day following up bug fixes today by Jeremy and Amiria. Here’s the outcome:

New PlanHQ Website and Focus

PlanHQ | Tim Norton | 0 Comments

We've been very busy for the last couple of months doing a major new release of our business plan software tool PlanHQ, to make it even more simple and usable and really focused on making you achieve your goals. We want you to achieve your plan, so the focus is on helping you get a plan, get it done, and get better. We've also launched a...(Read more)

Koz and Anika are Married : )

PlanHQ | Tim Norton | 0 Comments

Koz and Anika are Married : )

Today Koz just got married to Anika. Big congrats Koz and Anika and look forward to partying tonight on you guys! Marriage confirmed... By twitter

Like PlanHQ? Become an Affiliate

PlanHQ | Tim Norton | 1 Comment

Like PlanHQ? Become an Affiliate

Quite a few people have asked whether they can make a little money for passing on people to PlanHQ, and the answer is yes! So we've just started our affiliate program, if you're interested in being part of it just drop us an email at support at and you'll et setup in no time. You'll be provided with a link and little bit of...(Read more)

Jeremy Olliver joins PlanHQ

PlanHQ | Tim Norton | 0 Comments

Jeremy has been on the team as a new ruby on rails developer for the last few months over the summer of code program, but with that now over (the sun is still shining though!), we're keeping Jeremy on board close to full-time while he finishes off his last year at Uni. Godo to have you on board Jeremy, Check him out here - Jeremy...(Read more)