PlanHQ DEMO on Lunchmeet

PlanHQ | PlanHQ | 6 Comments

Last week I met up with Eddie Codel from Lunchmeet here at Citizen Space co-working pad here in San Fran, and did this video interview and DEMO of PlanHQ, its a good overview of how PlanHQ helps you build an awesome business and achieve your plan. There’s some cool videos on lunchmeet of people making it happen, some good viewing.

6 people have commented on this post

  1. Excellent presentation and interview. It really looks like you have moved the product along in the last few months since I last saw it. Great stuff.

    Glen Barnes | Sep 20th, 2007 at 4:05 pm
  2. Awesome, thanks Glen, getting a lot more focused as we bring on more customers and make it work better for them. Once you start on PlanHQ, we will be like your mother, and make you achieve your plan, because you know thats why you started.

    Tim | Sep 20th, 2007 at 5:09 pm
  3. You know what…I’ve been using this product for almost a year now…my knowledge of it just increased by at least 100%! Great video, thanks! :)

    Tim | Sep 21st, 2007 at 4:18 am
  4. Good to hear Tim, This is getting simpler and simpler and we’re going to make it super easy for people to get the most out of PlanHQ, it really has replaced every getting things done and project management tool I’ve ever used, and I’m a power user, this keeps the business on track not just a bunch of client projects.

    Tim Norton | Sep 21st, 2007 at 1:19 pm
  5. [...] few weeks aside from pitching to around 10-25 people a day, have done 5 video interviews including interview on lunchmeet another at techcrunch, then finally last week presented our 6 minute pitch with a live product Demo [...]

  6. Tim You have no idea how much gratitude I feel for discovering PlanHQ !!!

    Yves Van den Meerssche | Nov 6th, 2007 at 8:23 pm

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